Clean Power

Experts React to Supreme Court Stay of Clean Power Plan

Business leaders, energy executives, legal scholars, health professionals and state government officials are speaking out in support of the EPA’s Clean Power Plan, saying that they still intend to transition away from fossil fuels and towards renewable energy despite the …
Country Climate Pledges

Country Climate Pledges

These are the intended nationally determined contributions (INDCs) that have been officially submitted to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change.

Financial Markets Poised for Post-Paris Shift

Financial Markets Poised for Post-Paris Shift

Following the adoption of the Paris Agreement, financial analysts advised clients about the long-term signal that the agreement’s provisions sent to the markets.

Nationally Determined

Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs)

Introduction As of mid November 2015, 180 countries and counting have researched, developed and submitted an individual offer (known as an Intended Nationally Determined Contribution, or INDC) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in advance of the upcoming Paris climate …


Adaptation is a set of actions and policies designed to help communities prepare for and respond to unavoidable climate impacts. Read on for more on its role in the international climate talks.

Climate Action

UNEP Report to Show Climate Action Commitments (INDCs) Start to Close the Gap

The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) released its annual report on the rate of global progress in cutting greenhouse gas emissions at 3:30AM ET on Friday, November 6. So far, 156 countries have submitted climate action plans (also known as Intended Nationally Determined Contributions, or INDCs), covering almost 87 percent of global emissions. The UNEP Emissions Gap report is expected to indicate that the INDCs, combined with current global policies already in place, would result in substantial reductions of greenhouse gas emissions, moving the direction of the global economy significantly closer to the cost-optimal pathway for holding warming under 2˚C.



Wildfire season has gotten almost 20 percent longer over the past 35 years worldwide as a result of rising global temperatures and fewer rainy days.


Emissions Trading

The United States and Europe are leaders in regional and multinational cap and trade programs, and both are poised to expand their current markets. China recently implemented a series of regional cap and trade programs that have come online in …
Commitment Cycles and the Ratchet Mechanism

Commitment Cycles and the Ratchet Mechanism

One of the big questions facing the negotiations is whether the agreement arrived at in 2015 should direct climate action for decades to come, and if so, how. This question has become starkly relevant as it is now clear that the recently submitted Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs) will only direct global action for 10 years, and will only push global action part of the way towards the 2˚C pathway.


Alaska: Climate Change Ground Zero

The Earth’s temperature is now increasing faster than anytime in the last 1,000 years. Alaska and the Arctic, temperatures are rising at twice the global rate—more rapidly than anywhere else in the world, making the region ground zero for climate change. The best estimate is that human activity is responsible for all of the observed increase in global temperatures since 1985. The effects of the temperature changes are transforming a once-frozen seascape into an evolving, navigable ocean. These rapid changes occurring in the North have created a new Arctic climate system.


Nationwide, Editorial Boards Weigh In on Climate Rule

Following President Obama’s announcement of his landmark climate change regulations, many of the nation’s news outlets have weighed in on the Clean Power Plan. From Des Moines to New York City, editorial boards at news publications large and small have …

Long-Term Goals

One big question for negotiations at COP21 is whether to develop a long–term global goal for climate action, and if so, what that goal might look like. While all the long-term goals aim to avoid catastrophic climate change, each one proposes a different way to get there. Navigate the maze here.

Statements in Support

Statements in Support of the US INDC

Experts on climate change policy speak in support of the US contribution to the UNFCCC process and the Paris Agreement.