Germany's Energy Transition

A Closer Look at Germany’s Energy Transition

During the upcoming meeting between German Chancellor Angela Merkel and President Obama – taking place this Monday at the White House –the leaders are expected to emphasize their mutual and continued commitment to action on climate change and the development of clean energy technology.


UNFCCC COP 20 Meeting in Peru

Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) are gathering in Lima, Peru to lay the foundation for the for the global climate deal that will be finalized in Paris next year.

China and India

China and India Agree to Consider Phasing Down Climate-Altering HFCs

After several weeks of high-level international climate change diplomacy announcements, the 26th Meeting of the Parties of the Montreal Protocol (MOP-26) concluded with news of a long sought-after breakthrough as China and India reversed their previous opposition to phasing down hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs)

China Climate Change

Insights on U.S. – China Climate Deal

Today Climate Nexus hosted an in-depth phone press conference with experts on the implications of the newly announced climate deal between China and the United States. Each country has set ambitious goals for their future reductions in harmful greenhouse gas …

The Green Climate Fund

The Green Climate Fund

At the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Conference of the Parties in Copenhagen in 2009, developed countries agreed to mobilize from public and private sources a combined $100 billion annually by 2020 to help poor countries reduce emissions and cope with climate change.

Climate Change

The Candidate’s Guide to Climate Change

Climate change is no longer a niche political issue. Recent events such as the drought in California and Superstorm Sandy have brought extreme weather to the forefront, and people are searching for information on climate and weather connections. Voters, reporters and debate moderators are increasingly asking questions about climate change.

Smokestacks emitting smoke from a fossil fuel company, with a blue sky in the background. Fossil Fuel Companies

Fossil Fuel Companies

The world’s largest oil and gas companies have sky-high budgets, top scientists in their employ, and an incentive to plan for the long term due to their massive investments in permanent infrastructure. They are neither altruistic nor clueless, and they are taking climate change seriously. This includes planning ahead for a future with strong climate policies

Working Group III seen from the public

Working Group III

Working Group III (WGIII) covers pathways and scenarios for mitigating climate change. This overview pulls out notable findings from the WGIII Summary for Policymakers (SPM).

President Obama in the COP20

COP20 Comes to a Close

COP20 comes to a close today. World leaders conducted the largest international climate change meeting ever, with 162 countries and 125 heads of state or government represented. Leaders affirmed a common wish to reach an international agreement in Paris next …