

The following is a compilation of climate change impacts occurring right here, right now in the Northwest, as well as projected impacts, economic and human health consequences, and notable recent events. The Northwest is home to 12 million inhabitants. Climate change already poses a challenge to the Northwest, from extreme heat to wildfires, and conditions are likely to increase in severity.



The following is a compilation of climate change impacts occurring right here, right now in the Northeast, as well as projected impacts, economic and human health consequences, and notable recent events.



The following is a compilation of regional climate change impacts in the Midwest pulled from the Third U.S. National Climate Assessment, Risky Business, and other sources.

NYC Climate Impacts

New York

Energy and climate resources for the state of New York

Clean Power

Experts React to Supreme Court Stay of Clean Power Plan

Business leaders, energy executives, legal scholars, health professionals and state government officials are speaking out in support of the EPA’s Clean Power Plan, saying that they still intend to transition away from fossil fuels and towards renewable energy despite the …

Emissions Trading

The United States and Europe are leaders in regional and multinational cap and trade programs, and both are poised to expand their current markets. China recently implemented a series of regional cap and trade programs that have come online in …

Alaska: Climate Change Ground Zero

The Earth’s temperature is now increasing faster than anytime in the last 1,000 years. Alaska and the Arctic, temperatures are rising at twice the global rate—more rapidly than anywhere else in the world, making the region ground zero for climate change. The best estimate is that human activity is responsible for all of the observed increase in global temperatures since 1985. The effects of the temperature changes are transforming a once-frozen seascape into an evolving, navigable ocean. These rapid changes occurring in the North have created a new Arctic climate system.


Nationwide, Editorial Boards Weigh In on Climate Rule

Following President Obama’s announcement of his landmark climate change regulations, many of the nation’s news outlets have weighed in on the Clean Power Plan. From Des Moines to New York City, editorial boards at news publications large and small have …
National Security

National Security Risks

Existing analysis from respected military leaders recognizes the potential threat from climate change as no less than massively destructive and an enormous risk to national security.