The latest Gallup poll reveals that at 64 percent, serious concern for global warming is at an eight-year high across the country.
72 percent of New Yorkers understand global warming is already happening and over half recognize that it is caused mostly by humans.
80 percent support funding research into renewable energy resources and just under 80 percent support setting strict C02 limits on existing coal-fired power plants.
The state has installed wind capacity of 1,749 MW, ranking 13th across the country and amounting to enough to power 364,000 homes.
New York has 638 MW of installed solar capacity, employing over 8,000 people and providing enough energy for over 100,000 homes.
The state is not a party to the lawsuit against the Clean Power Plan, and Governor Cuomo has issued statements supporting the rule.
New York is Vulnerable to Climate Change:
The Northeast region is susceptible to extreme heat events, increased rainfall and flooding, and sea level rise. While the region currently only experiences two or three days a year with temperatures over 95 degrees F, that number could rise as high as 57 days by 2100.
Unless we reduce emissions, the sea levels around New York City will rise about a foot by 2050 and as much as four feet by 2100. As the $32 billion cost of Sandy demonstrated, a strong storm combined with higher sea levels means big problems for the city and the state.
Nearly 10 percent of New York adults suffer from asthma, with Bronx County standing out with some of the highest asthma rates in the country at 20 percent. High levels of ground-level ozone and fine particulate matter common in coal plant emissions, both of which are produced in tandem with other greenhouse gases, are strongly linked to a rise in asthma attacks.