
Idaho is vulnerable to increasing heat, reduced snowpack and wildfires Idaho’s climate has warmed one to two degrees Fahrenheit over the past century. Snowpack is melting earlier in the year, reducing the flow of meltwater in streams during the summer. In …


Oregon is vulnerable to increasing heat, reduced snowpack, ocean acidification and wildfires Oregon’s climate has warmed about two degrees Fahrenheit over the past century. Snowpack is melting earlier in the year, reducing the flow of meltwater in streams during the …
Mississippi River

Climate Impacts Along the Mississippi River Corridor

The Mississippi River basin spans 31 states and directly borders 10, comprising the Mississippi River corridor. The region is increasingly feeling the impacts of climate change.


Social Cost of Carbon

The social cost of carbon” (SCC) estimates the monetary cost to society from the damage caused by each additional metric ton of carbon dioxide (CO2) released into the atmosphere, due to climate change impacts.


California is vulnerable to increasing heat, melting snowpack, droughts, sea level rise and wildfires California’s climate is already changing. Southern California has warmed about three degrees Fahrenheit in the last century and the rest of the state is becoming warmer. …

New Hampshire

New Hampshire is vulnerable to increasing temperatures, floods and droughts, and a shorter winter New Hampshire’s climate has already warmed by two or three degrees Fahrenheit in the last century. Increasing temperatures are causing spring to arrive earlier, bringing more …


Iowa is Vulnerable to Climate Change: Agriculture is the biggest contributor to Iowa’s economy, and, according to a Risky Business report, the whole Midwest region will likely face crop yield declines of up to 19% by mid-century and 63% by …


Montana is vulnerable to increasing heat, melting snowpack and glaciers, reduced water availability and wildfires Montana’s climate is already changing. The state has warmed two degrees Fahrenheit in the last century. Montana recorded its all time wettest spring in 2014, …


Alabama is vulnerable to sea level rise, flooding, coastal storms and increasing temperatures - all which threaten the state’s agriculture and energy industries as well as human health Unlike most of the nation, Alabama’s climate has not become warmer over …