Unexpected Surge in Atmospheric Methane

Summary A dramatic and surprising surge in atmospheric methane has emerged over the past several years. If not mitigated, this new trend could off-set the gains anticipated from the Paris Climate Agreement. In response, scientists have begun ringing alarm bells …
Climate Assessment

4th U.S. National Climate Assessment Vol.II: Main Messages

Trump Administration Climate Report: It’s Real, It’s Here, It’s Because of Fossil Fuels. And The Sooner We Fix It, The Better. The National Climate Assessment (NCA) is a congressionally-mandated report released at least every four years on what the past, …

Countries Convene to Tackle Runaway Shipping Emissions

Starting on April 9th, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) will meet for the 72nd session of the Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) in London, where delegates are expected to agree on an initial strategy for reducing climate pollution in the international shipping sector. The shipping …

2017 Climate Impacts Around the World

Following on from our list of Top 10 Climate Events in the U.S., we have compiled the list below of the biggest climate change impacts of 2017 across the globe. ICE RETREAT MARCHES TO THE POLES On July 12, after …

Hurricane Harvey

Hurricane Harvey: Economic Impacts and Insurance

Climate change is increasing the frequency, intensity, and duration of many extreme weather events, and amplifying the damages caused by storms such as Hurricane Harvey. That means bigger losses for insurers, which often pick up the tab for damages that …