New Jersey

New Jersey is Extremely Vulnerable to Climate Change: New Jersey will have to quickly adapt to rising seas and the threats that they pose.  According to a Risky Business report, New Jersey is expected to be seriously impacted by increased …


Missouri Energy and Climate Resources: Missouri is Vulnerable to Climate Change: Once-rare floods in Missouri have become a regular occurrence. The historic flood in December 2015 affected 37 counties and the City of St. Louis, leading to 16 deaths and …

Trudeau’s Election Ushers in a New Era for Canada’s Climate Policies

The US-Canada released a joint statement outlining Obama and Trudeau’s shared vision on climate policy. Here are some top takeaways: The EPA will begin the process of regulating existing sources of methane for the first time, working towards cutting methane emissions by 40 to 45 …


Since assuming office in May 2014, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has charted a new direction both on energy policy and climate change, establishing new political priorities and re-directing investment.

West Virginia

Climate and Energy Polling in West Virginia: The latest Gallup poll reveals that at 64 percent, serious concern for global warming is at an eight-year high across the country. 54 percent of West Virginia adults understand global warming is already …


Ohio is Vulnerable to Climate Change: Ohio has developed no statewide plans or policies to adapt to climate change. The state received a D- on its report card for  preparedness for climate-driven threats. Most of Ohio is projected to face between 10 and 30 …

Synthesis Report

The final installment of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) Fifth Assessment Report (AR5) is due to be approved and released next week. This document, the Synthesis Report (SYR), will combine the findings of the first three Working Group …


Pennsylvania is Vulnerable to Climate Change: The Northeast region is susceptible to extreme heat events, increased rainfall and flooding, and sea level rise. While the region currently only experiences two or three days a year with temperatures over 95˚F, that number could rise as …


Climate and Energy Polling: The latest Gallup poll reveals that at 64 percent, serious concern for global warming is at an eight-year high across the country. 61 percent of Wisconsin adults understand global warming is already happening and nearly half recognize that it …


Washington is vulnerable to increased heat, ocean acidification, increased wildfire risk and sea level rise Washington’s climate has already warmed by one to two degrees Fahrenheit in the last century. Ocean waters are becoming more acidic, threatening the productivity and …


Alaska is Extremely Vulnerable to Climate Change: Alaska has warmed twice as fast as the rest of the country over the past 60 years. The first two months of 2016 witnessed record-setting warmth and scientists attributed it to global warming. Alaska’s average …


Utah is vulnerable to increasing heat, melting snowpack, droughts, and wildfires Utah’s climate is already changing. The state has warmed two degrees Fahrenheit in the last century. Utah can expect increasing frequency and intensity of heat waves, reduced snowpack, reduced …


Arizona is vulnerable to increasing heat, melting snowpack, droughts, and wildfires Arizona’s climate is already changing. The state has warmed two degrees Fahrenheit in the last century. Arizona can expect increasing frequency and intensity of heat waves, reduced snowpack, reduced …


Illinois is Vulnerable to Climate Change: In the Midwestern region, extreme heat, flooding and intense rain is expected to harm agriculture, health and infrastructure. The National Climate Assessment also points to increased risks from climate change to the Great Lakes, including …

Antarctic Warming

Antarctic ice loss will cause catastrophic sea level rise Despite being the coldest place on Earth, Antarctica is very vulnerable to global warming and represents the world’s largest source of potential sea level rise. Many of its ice shelves are …
Sea Levels

Sea Level Rise

Sea levels are rising rapidly Sea levels have risen between eight to ten inches since they began increasing in the middle of the 19th century. The speed of rising has accelerated, with its rate doubling since 1992. These changes stand …

North Carolina

North Carolina Climate and Energy Facts: North Carolina is Vulnerable to Climate Change: For the past 30 years, North Carolinians on average experienced seven days a year of temperatures above 95°F. By mid-century, this number is expected to rise to 39 …


Michigan Climate and Energy Facts: Effects of climate change in Michigan Climate change is likely to increase the frequency of floods in Michigan. Ov the last 50 years, average annual precipitation in most of the Midwest has increased by 5 …


Florida is extremely vulnerable to impacts of climate change that threaten the state’s agriculture, energy and tourism industries Modern annual average (1986–2016) temperature in the Southeast is 0.46°F warmer than it was in the first half of the last century …