Most registered voters in Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Michigan support the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), a new Climate Nexus and World Wildlife Fund poll shows.
Meet our Energy Equity Grantees In 2021, Climate Nexus launched an Energy Equity Regranting Project to help resource organizations, tribes, and community leaders on the frontlines of climate change and the impactful work they are doing to fight the gas …
The Clean Energy Newsletter delivers the week’s top energy transition stories every Wednesday afternoon. Clean Energy Newsletter | May 31 2023 Former whaling town embraces offshore wind, green shipping corridors take shape, solar energy investment overtakes oil Public housing retrofits …
Fossil-fueled climate events stress the grid Climate change is fueling extreme heat, droughts, wildfires, and hurricanes, which are overtaxing America’s outdated power grid. In a May 2023 report, North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC), a regulating authority that monitors the …
Examples of union labor working in the energy transition can be found across the United States; in renewable energy installations, electric vehicle manufacturing, building retrofits, and other infrastructure projects. These growing parts of the organized labor workforce are strengthening ties …
A poll of 1,525 registered U.S. voters on support for investing in clean energy infrastructure and paying for those investments through increased taxes on corporations and wealthy individuals.
A poll of 705 registered Texas voters on support for increasing renewable energy and grid resilience in the wake of extreme winter storms and power outages.
In June 2020, UC Berkeley released the 2035 Report: Plummeting Solar, Wind, and Battery Costs Can Accelerate Our Clean Energy Future. The study is the first to use the latest low renewable energy and storage prices and shows that with …
Polling conducted in August of 2020 reports that American voters hold a positive and very pragmatic view on working with China to make the clean energy transition and limit global warming