Image of a pipe with fire over sky

Methane at COP26

Major commitments on methane mitigation were a highlight of COP26 in Glasgow, Scotland, in November 2021. (Video by Jehan Harney) Overview: Methane at COP26 Why methane? Methane and climate change Methane is now the second biggest cause of global warming, …
How to Talk About Climate Change 2019

Clean Energy Jobs & Union Labor

Examples of union labor working in the energy transition can be found across the United States; in renewable energy installations, electric vehicle manufacturing, building retrofits, and other infrastructure projects. These growing parts of the organized labor workforce are strengthening ties …
Wind turbine technician clean energy jobs

Where the Clean Energy Jobs Are: 2021

Over 3 million people worked in clean energy jobs according to the 2021 U.S. Energy & Employment Report, which uses data from 2020.

Woman charing electric cars connected to power grid

Electric Car and Truck Charging, Explained

What are some charging and equity considerations? Low-income communities and communities of color disproportionately feel the impacts of vehicle pollution and can benefit the most from the clean air and cost-saving benefits of electric cars and trucks. Yet, as more …