2017 Climate Impacts Around the World
Following on from our list of Top 10 Climate Events in the U.S., we have compiled the list below of the biggest climate change impacts of 2017 across the globe. ICE RETREAT MARCHES TO THE POLES On July 12, after …
4th U.S. National Climate Assessment: What Is It?
4th U.S. National Climate Assessment Vol. I: Notable Findings
Fact-Checking Clean Power Plan Claims
Now that it is finalized, the Clean Power Plan will be an important part of the public discussion on climate change. Unfortunately, some claims may stray from the truth, so we’ve compiled some resources to make fact-checking easier.
Grazing Cattle and Climate Change
Broken Records of Irma and Harvey a Sign of Climate Change
Don’t be Deceived by Backwards-Looking Hurricane Apologism
Best Practices for Talking About Climate Change & Hurricanes
In this season of never-ending storms, talking about climate change is becoming increasingly important. Here are the main points to consider.
Harvey & Climate Change: A Comprehensive Guide
The science of attributing extreme weather to climate change is complicated and developing every day. Here’s a guide of what we know about the links between climate change and Harvey to help unpack the elements that contributed to this historic …