Finance Media Monitor | 10.23.23


Anti-ESG sentiment in the U.S. hasn’t deterred asset managers and investors, but some are revising their messaging strategies. 30% of asset managers surveyed in a new Cerulli report plan to be more cautious about messaging, though none of them intend to cease integrating ESG considerations into investment decisions or offering sustainable investment products. Institutional investors also have faith in ESG investing, with only 4% saying they will no longer invest in ESG funds and only 3% planning to stop incorporating ESG considerations into investment decisions. Despite attacks on ESG from right-wing politicians, investor demand for the environmental aspect of ESG remains robust.





  • Patrick Henningsen shared a video: Thanks Tucker, although calling this out three years ago would’ve been more helpful! But those were Fox days so that definitely would’ve damaged Ruppert’s ESG score…
  • MP Ryan Turnbull shared a video: Conservatives continually use carbon pricing as a scapegoat for global inflation! In reality, climate change has a much, much bigger impact on food prices than the price on pollution. If Conservatives really cared about reducing inflation, then they’d have a plan to fight climate change! #NoPlanPierre They are just #NotWorthTheRisk! #cdnpoli


  • October 26: Ceres Charting Progress Webinar: Regulator Actions on Climate Financial Risks. Register here
  • October 26: Gensler doing a fireside chat on climate disclosure at Chamber event.
  • October 31: Ceres A Guide for Businesses: California’s New Climate Disclosure Legislation Webinar. Register here.