Finance Media Monitor | 10.16.23


The European Banking Authority is revising the framework that sets industry-wide capital requirements for lenders, known as Pillar 1, to incorporate environmental and social risks. These rules will likely impact high-emitting sectors like oil, gas, cement, steel, and mining.

While the EU is making progress in some areas, it’s also facing backlash to environmental protections among its own lawmakers. A coalition of center-right lawmakers who claim that the EU puts too heavy an administrative burden on its businesses proposed weakening mandatory sustainability disclosures for about 50,000 companies. This proposal, slated for a vote next week, will be an important signal for the future direction of EU climate policy.





  • Roger Kuperman shared a link: State governments that ban pension investments with fund managers that have ESG funds is a spiteful gesture that ultimately harms taxpayers and state retirees
  • Will Hild shared a fake story: REMINDER: The Biden Admin’s ESG war on domestic energy has left us largely dependent on foreign producers. So, any unilateral moves (like the one threatened here) could have very real consequences for the American people. It didn’t have to be this way. Dependence was a choice.


  • October 17: Orbitas The High Cost of Ignoring Scope 3 Deforestation Emissions Webinar. Register here
  • October 26: Ceres Charting Progress Webinar: Regulator Actions on Climate Financial Risks. Register here
  • October 31: Ceres A Guide for Businesses: California’s New Climate Disclosure Legislation Webinar. Register here.