HFCs and the Montreal Protocol

Reducing carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions is essential to solving climate change. However, another group of gases, known as short-lived climate pollutants (SLCPs), have a particularly powerful role in raising temperatures in the short-term. SLCPs include: black carbon, methane, hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) …


Federal Changes to Coal Cleanup Funding

Coal use across the U.S. has declined, causing large coal companies to declare bankruptcy. In light of this, environmental groups have joined community organizations living near mines to hold coal companies accountable for the cost and cleanup of closed sites to …


Indiana is Extremely Vulnerable to Climate Change: Indiana’s main economy is agriculture, and, according to a Risky Business report, the whole Midwest region will likely face crop yield declines of up to 19% by mid-century and 63% by the end …


Missouri Energy and Climate Resources: Missouri is Vulnerable to Climate Change: Once-rare floods in Missouri have become a regular occurrence. The historic flood in December 2015 affected 37 counties and the City of St. Louis, leading to 16 deaths and …


Since assuming office in May 2014, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has charted a new direction both on energy policy and climate change, establishing new political priorities and re-directing investment.

Clean Energy

Clean Energy Ministerial 7: Kicking the Clean Energy Revolution into High Gear

The Clean Energy Ministerial is an international forum for advancing collaboration and promoting concrete actions that accelerate the transition to renewable energy. Twenty-three nations including the United States, India and China, along with the European Commission will participate.


Climate and Energy Polling: The latest Gallup poll reveals that at 64 percent, serious concern for global warming is at an eight-year high across the country. 61 percent of Wisconsin adults understand global warming is already happening and nearly half recognize that it …


Washington is vulnerable to increased heat, ocean acidification, increased wildfire risk and sea level rise Washington’s climate has already warmed by one to two degrees Fahrenheit in the last century. Ocean waters are becoming more acidic, threatening the productivity and …


Utah is vulnerable to increasing heat, melting snowpack, droughts, and wildfires Utah’s climate is already changing. The state has warmed two degrees Fahrenheit in the last century. Utah can expect increasing frequency and intensity of heat waves, reduced snowpack, reduced …


Arizona is vulnerable to increasing heat, melting snowpack, droughts, and wildfires Arizona’s climate is already changing. The state has warmed two degrees Fahrenheit in the last century. Arizona can expect increasing frequency and intensity of heat waves, reduced snowpack, reduced …

North Carolina

North Carolina Climate and Energy Facts: North Carolina is Vulnerable to Climate Change: For the past 30 years, North Carolinians on average experienced seven days a year of temperatures above 95°F. By mid-century, this number is expected to rise to 39 …


Colorado is vulnerable to increasing heat, melting snowpack and glaciers, reduced water availability and wildfires Colorado’s climate is already changing. Over the past 30 years, statewide annual average temperatures have increased by 2°F according to a state-commissioned study. Due to …


Texas is vulnerable to increasing heat, sea level rise, and severe storms which threaten agricultural and economic productivity and human health Texas’s climate is already changing. In the past century, most of the state has warmed between one-half and one …


Nevada is vulnerable to increasing heat, melting snowpack, droughts, and wildfires Nevada’s climate is already changing. The state has warmed two degrees Fahrenheit in the last century. Nevada can expect increasing frequency and intensity of heat waves, reduced snowpack, reduced …

Animal Agriculture’s Impact on Climate Change

Animal agriculture is the second largest contributor to human-made greenhouse gas emissions and a leading cause of deforestation, water and air pollution, and biodiversity loss.


Climate Change and Sports

As the world warms, one often overlooked issue is its effects on sports and recreation. While not as life-threatening as extreme weather or as costly as droughts, climate change’s impacts on sports is something that’s becoming increasingly common.


The Carbon Budget

Following the publication of the latest findings by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), some commentators zeroed in on a short paragraph in the Summary for Policymakers. This brief section lays out a “carbon budget,” defined as the precise quantity of carbon dioxide that humans can emit and still limit warming to 2ºC above pre-industrial levels.


Significant Economic Risks from Climate Change

Non-partisan Study Breaks New Ground in Climate Risk Assessment New York, June 24 – The American economy could face significant and widespread disruptions from climate change unless U.S. businesses and policymakers take immediate action to reduce climate risk, according to a …