Clean Power Plan

Fact-Checking Clean Power Plan Claims

Now that it is finalized, the Clean Power Plan will be an important part of the public discussion on climate change. Unfortunately, some claims may stray from the truth, so we’ve compiled some resources to make fact-checking easier.

Rhode Island

Rhode Island is vulnerable to increasing temperatures, floods and droughts, and coastal flooding Rhode Island’s climate has already warmed by about three degrees Fahrenheit in the last century. Increasing temperatures are causing spring to arrive earlier, bringing more precipitation and …


Maine is vulnerable to increasing temperatures, ocean acidification and the spread of Lyme disease Maine’s climate has already warmed by about three degrees Fahrenheit in the last century. Increasing temperatures are causing spring to arrive earlier, bringing more precipitation and …


Connecticut is vulnerable to increasing temperatures, floods and droughts, and coastal flooding Connecticut’s climate has already warmed by two to three degrees Fahrenheit in the last century. Increasing temperatures are causing spring to arrive earlier, bringing more precipitation and more …


Oklahoma is vulnerable to increasing heat, floods, droughts, and wildfires Overall, Oklahoma will become warmer, seeing both stronger floods and droughts because of climate change. While most of Oklahoma did not warm during the past 50-100 years, soils are drier, …


Minnesota is vulnerable to floods, higher temperatures, species loss and more Minnesota’s climate is already changing. In the past century, the state has warmed by 3 degrees Fahrenheit. Rainstorms are becoming more intense, and annual rainfall is increasing. In the …

New Mexico

New Mexico is vulnerable to increasing heat, melting snowpack, droughts, and wildfires - Native communities are especially vulnerable New Mexico’s climate is already changing. Most of the state has warmed at least one degree Fahrenheit in the last century. New …


Hawaii is vulnerable to warming and acidifying oceans, shoreline loss and species loss Air temperature has already warmed by one-half to one degree Fahrenheit in the last century in Hawaii. Ocean warming and acidification: Accounting for changes in natural cycles …

The Fight to Put a Value on Rooftop Solar Power

Advancements in technology have enabled consumers to install solar panels on their roofs more cheaply than ever before. This presents utility companies—which have for decades monopolized the energy markets—with new challenges.

Trump's "Energy Independence"

Understanding Trump’s “Energy Independence” EO

On March 28, President Trump signed a broad executive order taking aim at several Obama-era energy and environmental safeguards. The order will seek to undo or rollback an array of regulations: Clean Power Plan: Trump will likely ask the EPA …
Mississippi River

Climate Impacts Along the Mississippi River Corridor

The Mississippi River basin spans 31 states and directly borders 10, comprising the Mississippi River corridor. The region is increasingly feeling the impacts of climate change.

Nuclear Energy

Which Way for Nuclear Energy?

Last updated: February 27, 2017 The United States generates about one fifth of its electricity from nuclear power, making it the country’s largest zero-emissions energy source. The national rate of nuclear power consumption has remained relatively constant since around 1990. …

Attack on Climate

The Coming Attack on Climate That No One Will Notice

Today at 10 am ET, the House Subcommittees on Environment and Oversight will hold a hearing on the social cost of carbon (SCC). The SCC is a figure that represents the damage done to public health and the environment by the …


Denial is an Action, Not a Thought

Denial is not a specific position, it is the act of rejection. In the case of climate, while Trump’s cabinet does not appear to reject the most basic science of the greenhouse effect, they do still reject the well-established body …


Social Cost of Carbon

The social cost of carbon” (SCC) estimates the monetary cost to society from the damage caused by each additional metric ton of carbon dioxide (CO2) released into the atmosphere, due to climate change impacts.


California is vulnerable to increasing heat, melting snowpack, droughts, sea level rise and wildfires California’s climate is already changing. Southern California has warmed about three degrees Fahrenheit in the last century and the rest of the state is becoming warmer. …

With Europe on Board, Paris Climate Agreement Takes Effect

With the EU joining the Paris Agreement, this groundbreaking global deal has crossed both thresholds required to enter into force. This is one of the fastest ever 'entry into force’ of a comprehensive, multilateral treaty. With some of the world’s largest …