Voters Support Clean Energy Infrastructure
A poll of 4,673 registered U.S. voters on support for investments in clean energy infrastructure and strengthening methane regulations.
A poll of 4,673 registered U.S. voters on support for investments in clean energy infrastructure and strengthening methane regulations.
A poll of 1,525 registered U.S. voters on support for investing in clean energy infrastructure and paying for those investments through increased taxes on corporations and wealthy individuals.
A survey of 1,310 registered U.S. voters on support for clean energy infrastructure investments as economic recovery and stimulus.
A survey of 2,047 registered U.S. voters on support for transitioning to clean energy and away from natural gas and other fossil fuels.
A survey of 1,884 registered U.S. voters on support for climate policy and motivations for addressing climate change among different faith traditions.
A survey of 1,517 registered U.S. voters for Climate Week on the role of climate change in the 2020 election.
A survey of 9,087 registered U.S. voters on support for stimulus funding and legislative climate action.
A survey of 1,917 registered U.S. voters on the novel coronavirus and support for state and federal response.