Girls Drinking_water_from_pipe | Climate Nexus Polling

National Voter Poll on Water

A poll of 2,184 registered voters in the U.S. about drinking and wastewater infrastructure.

Image of a cross on top of a roof with a dark sky and a rainbow background representing voters of faith supporting climate change | Climate Nexus Polls

Voters of Faith Support Fighting Climate Change

A survey of 1,884 registered U.S. voters on support for climate policy and motivations for addressing climate change among different faith traditions.

State: Arizona flag | Climate Nexus Polls

Voters in Arizona Support Climate Action

A survey of 539 registered Arizona voters on support for renewable energy and experiences with climate change and its impacts.

State: Colorado flag | Climate Nexus Polls

Voters in Colorado Support Climate Action

A survey of 485 registered Colorado voters on concerns about climate change and the local environment and support for increasing renewable energy.