One Year Later, Texas Voters Retain Strong Preferences for Renewables, Concern for Future Winter Storms
A poll of 933 registered Texas voters on support for increasing renewable energy and grid resilience a year after the winter freeze crisis.
A poll of 933 registered Texas voters on support for increasing renewable energy and grid resilience a year after the winter freeze crisis.
A poll of 705 registered Texas voters on support for increasing renewable energy and grid resilience in the wake of extreme winter storms and power outages.
A survey of 1,624 U.S. voters on threats to water safety and support for equitable federal investment in water infrastructure.
A survey of 1,517 registered U.S. voters for Climate Week on the role of climate change in the 2020 election.
A survey of 2208 registered voters in the United States on climate change, climate impacts and support for policies to reduce carbon pollution.
A survey of 519 registered Iowa voters on impacts of climate change and support for renewable energy.
A survey of 1,558 registered Florida voters on impacts of climate change and support for climate action.