Finance Media Monitor | 9.06.23


State and local public pension funds stood up for ESG shareholder resolutions during the 2022 proxy season. Public pension funds supported 88% of key ESG resolutions—or resolutions that gained more than 40% support from independent shareholders—compared to 74% for sustainable funds and 56% for general shareholders. The Morningstar analysis also found that even Republican state pensions supported 10% more key ESG resolutions than general shareholders. This goes to show that money managers across party lines understand that incorporating ESG is a winning strategy for their retirees. 





  • Oil Change International shared a press release: Record heat, deadly fires, devastating floods: we must unite to end to fossil fuels. Every new fossil fuel project is incompatible with a livable future. In 2 weeks we join the March to #EndFossilFuels, not just to ask for change, but for a reckoning.
  • Lobby For Climate replied to a video: This video actually shows why we need #ESG, as it does encourage competition by giving investors clear info on investment risks + greater choice in where they put their $$$. Also, when you say “picking favorites” you mean supporting #ClimateSolutions (a very good thing, not bad)


  • September 17-24: Climate Group Climate Week NYC. View list of events here.
  • September 18: Climate Finance Day – NYC Climate Week 2023. From As You Sow, Jefferies, Carbon Tracker, IEEFA and more. Register here
  • September 19: Return on Investment: How to Maximize Historic U.S. Climate Legislation – NYC Climate Week 2023. From Ceres. Register here.
  • September 19: Sustainable Investment Forum North America. Register here.
  • September 20: UN Climate Ambition Summit.
  • September 25-26: Insure Our Future Campaigning Academy ’23. Complete this form by September 11th to express interest.