El Niño

Climate change and El Niño fueled 2015’s record heat

2015 is the second of two back-to-back record hot years, and scientists say the record heat’s primary cause is climate change. During 2015, the average temperature across global land and ocean surfaces was 1.62°F (0.90°C) above the 20th century average. This was the highest among all years in the 1880-2015 record, surpassing the previous record set in 2014 by 0.29°F (0.16°C). This is also the largest margin by which the annual global temperature record has been broken.

Financial Markets Poised for Post-Paris Shift

Financial Markets Poised for Post-Paris Shift

Following the adoption of the Paris Agreement, financial analysts advised clients about the long-term signal that the agreement’s provisions sent to the markets.


Record rains ravage Chennai

India’s increase in extreme precipitation events in recent decades is likely tied to climate change. Following Southern India’s wettest November in more than 20 years, December 2015 began with a new round of extreme precipitation that inundated the city of Chennai. While November and December are typically very wet, the rainfall and flooding of 2015 were exceptional.

Nationally Determined

Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs)

Introduction As of mid November 2015, 180 countries and counting have researched, developed and submitted an individual offer (known as an Intended Nationally Determined Contribution, or INDC) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in advance of the upcoming Paris climate …
Tracking Climate Change

Tracking Climate Change

In a stable climate, the ratio of new record highs to new record lows is approximately even. However in our warming climate, record highs have begun to outpace record lows, with the imbalance growing for the past three decades. This trend is one of the clearest signals of climate change that we experience directly.


Strongest Hurricane Ever Nears Mexico Amid Record Season

Due to the combined impact of climate change and El Niño, 2015 has been a record year for tropical cyclones. Hurricane Patricia—the dangerous Category 5 storm currently bearing down on Mexico’s Pacific coast—will smash yet another record as the most intense hurricane ever recorded.

Catastrophic Flooding

Carolinas See Catastrophic Flooding as Climate Change-Fueled Storms Converge

Sea surface temperatures in the vicinity of Hurricane Joaquin are currently the warmest ever recorded. Hurricanes are fueled by warm water, contributing to an increase in the frequency of the most intense hurricanes, and an exponential increase in damage. Virtually every measure of hurricane activity in the Atlantic has increased substantially since the 1970s, due to the combination of human-caused climate change and natural variation.

Germany's Energy Transition

A Closer Look at Germany’s Energy Transition

During the upcoming meeting between German Chancellor Angela Merkel and President Obama – taking place this Monday at the White House –the leaders are expected to emphasize their mutual and continued commitment to action on climate change and the development of clean energy technology.